Observer: Udo Zlender
Location: Bonn, Germany
Date: March 10, 1997 04:25-04:37 UT
This sequence of images shows on the one side more detail of the inner parts of the coma near the nucleus when exptime is short, and growing tails with increasing exposure time. A few stars remain visible in all three images.
For all images: Camera: OES-LCCD14 2x2 pixel binning mode , 12 bits AD-resolution Lens: tele photo 200mm F/4 Nikkor Tracking: automatic on Losmandy G11 Outside temp: 3 deg Celsius Filter: None CCD-temp: -4 deg Celsius Orientation: North is up Humidity: high Notes: Urban environment First image: Time of observation: 04:24:58 UT Exp. time: 30.0 sec Processing: dark subtracted, flat fielded, log scaled Second image: Time of observation: 04:30:23 UT Exp. time: 10.0 sec Processing: dark subtracted, flat fielded, log scaled Third image: Time of observation: 04:37:04 UT Exp. time: 1.0 sec Processing: dark subtracted, flat fielded, log scaled