Supernova of Type Ia in NGC 3169, 10" Newton, ST8e, 2x2bin, DDP,
2X, 17/04/03, jpeg, 5k
NGC 3169 and NGC 3166 in a full size image 765 x 510, jpeg, 31k
5" FH-Refractor f/5, ST7e, 1x1, 10/18/03, jpeg,
NGC 772 and double SN 2003hl/iq
2003hl and 2003iq, two Supernovae in one galaxy (NGC 772 in Aries). Astronomers expect to find a rate of one supernova per century per galaxy. Visibility of some moth only makes the appearance of a double Supernova in one galaxy a rather rare event.
51 images of 120 seconds integration time were used to produce the result. The large number of integrations were made to achieve a good S/N-ratio.Thin clouds passed by and reduced contrast.
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SN-Page of David Bishop
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